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Hey everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! There were so many exciting events and activities in the capital, it really makes you appreciate the winters we have here.

Please watch and share my video this week where we are looking at unpleasant reports coming out of Europe regarding their financial situation. This has forced economists to speculate that we are looking at at least another 12 months before an overnight lending rate increase.

We also report that the OSFI has put a timeframe of late June or early July for introducing some changes in the mortgage underwriting process at major financial institutions.

There is a major community meeting for Centretown Ottawa on Wednesday May 30th from 7-9pm at the McNabb community centre regarding the Centretown Development Proposal. It is open to anyone and everyone.

I hope you enjoy and please ask me any questions at or call me at 613-294-4475.

Have a great day!
