by Nick Bachusky | Dec 17, 2012 | Lunch Out Loud Ottawa
Listen to the episode here: [spreaker episode_id=1866075 type=mini width=100% color=e8e8e8 autoplay=false] Today we had the pleasure of having the amazing husband and wife combo interior design team of Sacha Leclair and Melissa Leclair who are behind...
by Nick Bachusky | Dec 13, 2012 | First Time Homebuying, Lunch Out Loud Ottawa
Listen to the episode here: [spreaker episode_id=1838211 type=mini width=100% color=e8e8e8 autoplay=false] Please like our Facebook page! In our second episode we were lucky to join Jennifer Ahde at her office at 210-1335 Carling...
by Nick Bachusky | Dec 3, 2012 | CAAMP, CMHC, Mortgage Trends, Mortgage Video
[youtube][/youtube] Thank you for joining me this week. Because of major dips in sales in October, CAAMP as well as Toronto builders increasing pressure on Jim Flagherty to change mortgage rules. Jim probably will not. He has...
by Nick Bachusky | Nov 21, 2012 | Condominums, Ottawa Development, Real Estate Investing
Today I would like to discuss the exciting new 23-storey SoBa condominium project by Lamb Development Corp. on Catherine Street in downtown Ottawa. The project sales centre for the 235-unit building opened on October 20th of this year and early sales have demonstrated...
by Nick Bachusky | Nov 19, 2012 | CAAMP, Kevin O'Leary, Mortgage Trends, Mortgage Video
[youtube][/youtube] ; Sources have indicated that Canadian investor Kevin O’Leary is looking to enter the Canadian mortgage industry. While many consider Mr. O’Leary to be a polarizing public figure, I for one welcome him and...
by Nick Bachusky | Nov 14, 2012 | Condominums, First Time Homebuying, Ottawa Development
Once again thank you for visiting my site. I hope I can get you some information you cannot find anywhere else. My investing clients from across the country find this valuable so I hope you do as well. Just a reminder I am not a real estate agent, I am a mortgage...
by Nick Bachusky | Nov 8, 2012 | Condominums, First Time Homebuying, Ottawa Development
Thank you for visiting this page. I wanted to bring to some of my investing clients from out of town and future clients, pictures of this fabulous new condo that will be opening (if all goes well) in Summer of 2015. It is located in a prime location in Westboro on the...
by Nick Bachusky | Nov 5, 2012 | Closing Costs, First Time Homebuying, Real Estate Investing
Here is an excellent post from Andrew Miller, an extremely knowledgeable and well regarded real estate agent at 3cre Dayton office in Ottawa: Today’s world is much different than even 10 years ago. With the boom of the internet, it seems that the “do it...